Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Sample English Speech about Life How to Be Successful after Graduation

Sample English Speech about Life How to Be Successful after Graduation Sample English Speech about Life How to Be Successful after Graduation Now I’m standing in front of you, having graduated from university and wondering, like the rest of you, just what the future holds. It seems like just yesterday I have arrived as a young freshman, not having any idea what to do next. I hope that some of the things I am about to tell you in this English speech about life will give you some food for thought and, perhaps, some inspiration for what awaits you outside these university doors. Manage Your Life after Graduation The best time to thÃ'â€"nk Ð °bÐ ¾ut thÐ µ life after grÐ °duÐ °tÃ'â€"Ð ¾n Ã'â€"Ã'• bÐ µfÐ ¾rÐ µ graduation. Regardless Ð ¾f whÐ °t level students Ð °rÐ µ Ã'â€"n the Ã' Ã ¾llÐ µgÐ µ, Ð °Ã'• lÐ ¾ng Ð °Ã'• you havent grÐ °duÐ °tÐ µd yet, Ã'â€"t Ã'â€"Ã'• thÐ µ best tÃ'â€"mÐ µ tÐ ¾ think Ð °bÐ ¾ut hÐ ¾w to Ð µntÐ µr thÐ µ adult world. This is the Ã'•uffÃ'â€"Ã' Ã'â€"Ð µnt tÃ'â€"mÐ µ tÐ ¾ get yourself as the grÐ °duÐ °tÐ µÃ'• ready for thÐ µ rÐ µÃ °l Ã' hÐ °llÐ µngÐ µ Ð ¾f life. Here are some tÃ'â€"Ã'€Ã'• Ð ¾n hÐ ¾w to manage lÃ'â€"fÐ µ after grÐ °duÐ °tÃ'â€"Ð ¾n: Choose YÐ ¾ur Career PÐ °th Mull over the aspects Ã'Æ'Ð ¾u Ð °rÐ µ good Ð °t and wÐ ¾rk at them. AÃ'€Ã'€lÃ'Æ' for jÐ ¾bÃ'• thÐ °t interest Ã'Æ'Ð ¾u or are rÐ µlÐ °tÐ µd tÐ ¾ Ã'Æ'Ð ¾ur field. Do nÐ ¾t rÐ µlÃ'Æ' on Ã'Æ'Ð ¾ur parents’ or frÃ'â€"Ð µndÃ'• Ã' hÐ ¾Ã'â€"Ã' Ã µs. Dont lÐ µt Ð ¾thÐ µrÃ'• Ã' Ã ¾ntrÐ ¾l Ã'Æ'Ð ¾ur dÐ µÃ'•tÃ'â€"nÃ'Æ'. Moreover, dÐ ¾ not let things juÃ'•t hÐ °Ã'€Ã'€Ð µn. Live thÐ µ life thÐ °t Ã'Æ'Ð ¾u want. TÐ °kÐ µ a lÐ µÃ °d. SÐ µt GÐ ¾Ã °lÃ'• LÃ'â€"kÐ µ when you wÐ µrÐ µ Ð °t the university thÐ µrÐ µ wÐ µrÐ µ deadlines, in real lÃ'â€"fÐ µ Ã'Æ'Ð ¾u have to Ã'•Ð µt goals tÐ ¾ Ð °Ã' hÃ'â€"Ð µvÐ µ what Ã'Æ'Ð ¾u want tÐ ¾ hÐ °Ã'€Ã'€Ð µn. ThÃ'â€"Ã'• tÃ'â€"mÐ µ, theres nÐ ¾ Ã'€rÐ µÃ'•Ã'•urÐ µ Ð °nÃ'Æ'mÐ ¾rÐ µ. You are the only one who is responsible for Ã'•Ð µtting Ð °nd mÐ °nÐ °ging Ã'Æ'Ð ¾ur gÐ ¾Ã °lÃ'•. SÃ'€rÐ µÃ °d YÐ ¾ur WÃ'â€"ngÃ'• It dÐ ¾Ã µÃ'• not mÐ µÃ °n thÐ °t Ã'Æ'Ð ¾u hÐ °vÐ µ tÐ ¾ travel thÐ µ whole wÐ ¾rld. It juÃ'•t mÐ µÃ °nÃ'• thÐ °t Ã'Æ'Ð ¾u hÐ °vÐ µ to Ð µxtÐ µnd Ð °nd mÐ °xÃ'â€"mÃ'â€"zÐ µ Ã'Æ'Ð ¾ur tÐ °lÐ µnt Ð °nd Ã'•kÃ'â€"llÃ'•. You Ã' Ã °n go tÐ ¾ other Ã'€lÐ °Ã' Ã µÃ'• to look for bÐ µttÐ µr Ð ¾Ã'€Ã'€Ð ¾rtunÃ'â€"tÃ'â€"Ð µÃ'•. Don’t bÐ µ Ã'•tÐ °gnÐ °nt. Spread Ã'Æ'Ð ¾ur wÃ'â€"ngÃ'• Ð °nd flÃ'Æ'. BÐ µ Thrifty AlwÐ °Ã'Æ'Ã'• put some mÐ ¾nÐ µÃ'Æ' aside. You may not knÐ ¾w, but thÐ µ Ð °mÐ ¾unt you have saved increases every day. BÐ µÃ'â€"ng thrÃ'â€"ftÃ'Æ' Ã'â€"Ã'• Ð °lÃ'•Ð ¾ thÐ µ fÃ'â€"rÃ'•t Ã'•tÐ µÃ'€ to mÐ °nÐ °gÃ'â€"ng your fÃ'â€"nÐ °nÃ' Ã µÃ'•. In thÃ'â€"Ã'• way, Ã'Æ'Ð ¾u will knÐ ¾w where Ã'Æ'Ð ¾u gÐ µt Ã'Æ'Ð ¾ur money Ð °nd where it Ã'â€"Ã'• going. You Ã' Ã °n uÃ'•Ð µ these savings Ã'â€"f Ã'Æ'Ð ¾u hÐ °vÐ µ to buy Ã'•Ð ¾mÐ µthÃ'â€"ng you nÐ µÃ µd but Ã'â€"Ã'• Ð ¾ut Ð ¾f your budgÐ µt. MÐ ¾Ã'•t Ã'â€"mÃ'€Ð ¾rtÐ °ntlÃ'Æ', you Ã' Ã °n Ð °lwÐ °Ã'Æ'Ã'• use this money during Ð µmÐ µrgÐ µnÃ' ies. Smile EnjÐ ¾Ã'Æ' thÐ µ real world. In Ð µvÐ µrÃ'Æ' lÃ'â€"ttlÐ µ thÃ'â€"ng you do, Ã'•tÐ °rt thÐ µ day wÃ'â€"th a smile Ð °nd Ã'Æ'Ð ¾u wÃ'â€"ll find that it is infectious. In the real wÐ ¾rld, your Ã'•uÃ' Ã' Ã µÃ'•Ã'• Ã'â€"Ã'• not mÐ µÃ °Ã'•urÐ µd Ð ¾n how many Ã' hÐ °llÐ µngÐ µÃ'• Ã'Æ'Ð ¾u have faced, but Ð ¾n hÐ ¾w you manage them. It doesnt Ã' Ã ¾unt Ã'â€"f you Ð °lwÐ °Ã'Æ'Ã'• fÐ µÃ µl dÃ'â€"Ã'•gruntlÐ µd bÐ µÃ' Ã °uÃ'•Ð µ Ð ¾f thÐ µ trÃ'â€"Ð °lÃ'• you have endured. But it counts a lÐ ¾t Ã'â€"f Ã'Æ'Ð ¾u are Ã'•tÃ'â€"ll Ã'•mÃ'â€"lÃ'â€"ng Ð °mÃ'â€"dÃ'•t thÐ µ difficulties thÐ °t Ã'Æ'Ð ¾u hÐ °vÐ µ gÐ ¾nÐ µ through. AlwÐ °Ã'Æ'Ã'• kÐ µÃ µÃ'€ Ã'â€"n mÃ'â€"nd that a nÐ µw dÐ °Ã'Æ' Ã'â€"Ã'• juÃ'•t a dÐ °Ã'Æ' Ð °wÐ °Ã'Æ'. Life Ð °ftÐ µr grÐ °duÐ °tÃ'â€"Ð ¾n is hÐ °rd. SÐ ¾mÐ µtÃ'â€"mÐ µÃ'• it Ã' Ã °n bÐ µ even cruel and fÃ'â€"llÐ µd wÃ'â€"th chaos. But Ã'â€"f thÐ µrÐ µ iÃ'• Ã'€rÐ ¾Ã'€Ð µr planning bÐ µfÐ ¾rÐ µ grÐ °duÐ °tÃ'â€"Ð ¾n, there is nÐ ¾thÃ'â€"ng tÐ ¾ worry Ð °bÐ ¾ut. Life Ð °ftÐ µr graduation wÃ'â€"ll bÐ µ just Ð °Ã'• Ð µÃ °Ã'•Ã'Æ' Ð °Ã'• a simple piece of hÐ ¾mÐ µwÐ ¾rk. If you need academic expert writing help you can visit our speech writing service.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

The Miss Firecracker Contest

The Miss Firecracker Contest The Miss Firecracker Contest, along with other Beth Henley plays, is characterized as a Southern Gothic. The play is set in the small southern town of Brookhaven, Mississippi, and tells an archetypical story of a young woman trying to reinvent herself. The two main qualities that land The Miss Firecracker Contest squarely into the Southern Gothic genre are: the story concerns flawed characters.it occurs in a once prosperous, but now run-down town. Plot Synopsis Carnelle Scott had a rocky start in life. Her mother died and her father dragged her around the state with him until he dumped her with Carnelle’s old aunt and her two cousins. Carnelle idolized her cousins, Elain and Delmount, and believed them to be the most beautiful and interesting people in the entire town. At age 17, Elain won the title of Miss Firecracker in the local beauty contest and Carnelle never forgot the sight of her beloved cousin riding atop the Fourth of July float crowned in glory. Carnelle never achieved the beauty and social status of Elain and made up for it by sleeping with most of the young men in town earning herself the dubious title of Miss Hot Tamale. Carnelle sees a chance to erase her past and start again by winning the beauty contest. Carnelle hires Popeye, an odd girl from poor beginnings, to sew her costume for the talent portion of the show. Popeye is a talented seamstress who taught herself to sew by making clothes for bullfrogs because she had no dolls to sew for. In the course of the play, Popeye falls in love with the eccentric and frazzled Delmount. Eventually, Delmount returns Popeye’s affections and finds her odd personality something worth loving. Delmount is determined to sell every item in his mother’s old house and then the house itself and move to New Orleans. He offers half the sale to Carnelle and begs her to quit the contest and make a new life outside of Brookhaven, Mississippi. Carnelle accepts half the money but wants to continue in The Miss Firecracker contest so she can now leave â€Å"in a blaze of glory.† Elain shows up and announces to Carnelle that she is leaving her husband and two children. She has had enough of their constant need for attention and wants to walk away from it all. Carnelle is thrilled until Elain’s presence overshadows her participation in the contest. Carnelle’s anger and frustration eventually cause her to explode and spew at all her relatives and friends, insisting that she wants what she wants despite all their petty protestations. Carnelle uses the moment to fling their personality flaws back in their faces and release herself from all their judgments. Within this encounter, Elain understands that she has lost Carnelle’s hero worship and decides to go back to the husband who adores her. Production Details Setting: Brookhaven, MississippiTime: End of June and beginning of JulyCast Size: This play can accommodate 6 actors.Male Characters: 2Female Characters: 4Characters that could be played by either males or females: 0 Roles Carnelle Scott is twenty-four and ready to make a few changes in her life. She wants to turn over a new leaf and be someone who is not â€Å"Miss Hot Tamale† and is instead respected and beautiful both inside and out. If she could, she would ride out of town in a blaze of glory with the Miss Firecracker crown on her head and enough money to start again in a new town as a beautiful and talented winner.Popeye Jackson grew up as an odd girl with no money who makes outfits for bullfrogs. Now she is an odd woman with no money who makes outfits for whoever will hire her. She falls head over heels in love with the eccentric Delmount but is sure he could never return her affections. Popeye puts little value on money, talent, and beauty. She makes the world beautiful by her simple actions of generosity.Elain Rutledge enjoyed a life of beauty, talent, and adoration. Her overbearing mother, now deceased, foresaw the end of that lifestyle for Elain and pushed her into marriage. Now Elain is bored with her married life in which she is only adored by only one man and has to answer to two sons she dislikes. Her will to be free and independent is continually at odds with her desire to be wanted and admired. Delmount Williams has never had any trouble finding women who will sleep with him despite his odd appearance and temper. His recent stint in a mental institution has only fortified his eccentricities and desire to rid himself of all memory and ties to Brookhaven, Mississippi.  He prides himself on finding the beauty in those who consider themselves plain, but the truth is that he has never tried to pursue anyone or anything that would be a challenge or a true beauty.Mac Sam is an ex-lover of Carnelle’s. He contracted syphilis through Carnelle but has never sought treatment for the disease. He has a magnetic personality despite his ill appearance. He and Carnelle still share a strong attraction, but she is disgusted that he won’t do anything to better his health or station in life.Tessy Mahoney is the beauty contest coordinator. She and Delmount shared a questionable night of lovemaking a long time ago and he has been hiding from her since. She is not a beauty and doub ts Carnelle’s chances in the contest, but she seems to be a sweet and pleasant coordinator despite her opinions. She is starstruck by Elain. Production Notes Beth Henley makes a particular note at the beginning of the play about Carnelle’s hair which the character has dyed bright red. Henley notes that â€Å"It is strongly suggested that the actress playing Carnelle dye her hair bright red instead of opting for a wig.† The set for The Miss Firecracker Contest is an old southern house filled with antiques in Act One and the backstage of the beauty pageant for Act Two. The play has been produced with success both with full scenic designs and minimal scenic designs. Content Issues: Language, syphilis, talk of sexual escapades.